Remembering Jan Sobota
Tribute to a design Bookbinder
of worldwide Stature
his friends & colleagues
Monique Lallier
Somerville N. Carolina
Don Etherington
Somerville N. Carolina
Vernon Wiering
Batty Bruce
Boston, Mass
Gary Frost
University of Iowa
Binding by Vernon Wiering -
Grand Rapids MI
Design by Ladislav Hanka-
Kalamazoo MI
Pamela Leutz
The Gilded Edge & Colorado College
Colorado Springs CO
Dalibor Nesnidal
Semtěš, Česká Republika
David Lawrence
Lawrence Bindery, Irwin, Texas
Peter Verheyen: Philobiblon – Syracuse University NY
Vernon Wiering ; execution of a design by Ladislav Hanka
The Binder’s Ticket & Vernon Wiering’s Bindery, Grand Rapids, MI
Forrest Jackson
Rosedale Rare Books
Dallas TX