Sutton Hoo Collaborative books - mostly my illustrations in combination with typography, printing and book design

by Chad Mikal Oness.


The Book of Ruth

8 wood engravings

4 x 6 inches - slipcase of Mexican Bark Paper

22 Pages 

10 wood engravings

Book in Cave-paper binding with slipcase    750.00

engravings individually sold at                       75.00 each

Privilege -  Cut-away Books

Poems by C. Mikal Oness

12 pages

6 woodcuts by L Hanka

unbound copies                                 100.00

Bound by Jan Sobota with Slipcase  350.00

Purl: Siphon Press

Jim Armstrong

36 pages

5 wood engravings

Bound with slipcase 

   by Jan Sobota              750.00

unbound                          300.00

individual engravings:        75.00 each


Ramsey Campbell

100 pages

9 wood engravings by L/ Hanka

Bound                               500.00

individual engravings:         75.00 each



Poems by Kevin Young

Illustrations by Ladislav Hanka

paper binding:  300.00