Tibetan Monks


“Hasten slowly and ye shall soon arrive.”


I speak neither Tibetan nor Chinese; yet in Tibet I found myself frequently motioned into the  humble cells of monks‘ who wished to meet me. We communicated with ease; just the two of us, drinking cups of steaming tea, with a dollop of mildly rancid yak butter added for taste and nutrient. Without witnesses, we quickly established an ephemeral intimacy, trusting and exchanging at the most elemental human level.  We traded postcards and snap-shots;  and I drew their portraits, jotted down quickly with a searching line on beautiful hand-made  paper I had purchased from an orphanage in Lhasa – still a useful skill for people on the Himalayan plateau.  I gave most of these drawings to the sitters, but a few made it home with me and they found a second life transformed through drypoint on zinc plates into the images contained here.

   The cover illustration is a traditional portrait of Milarepa, the eleventh century Tibetan saint. This image and the Mandala/Tanka image within, were printed from  woodblocks I purchased from a street artisan outside Drepung Monastery in Lhasa.  The mandala is printed on paper I brought back from an orphanage on the outskirts of  Lhasa.   

                                                                                  Ladislav R. Hanka, January 2007

                                                                       Orphanage Nun, Lhasa

Binding by Jan Sobota


Title Page

Tanka printed from street carver’s block purchased at Ganden monastery on paper made at Lhasa orphanage

Red-hat order monk Ganden monastery

Ohm mani padme hum


Novice at Drepung monastery

Labsong Punto, Drepung Monastery

Guardian at Potala Palace

Proctor at Ganden

The Plates:  Tibetan Monks

Proctor at Gan Den Monastery,

Orphanage Nun in Lhasa

Re-hat Order Monk at Gan Den

Novice Monk, Drepung

Labsong Pünto, Drepung

Guardian at the Potala Palace

Each impression                   150.00

all 6:                                      800.00

complete with text in

     presentation folio:          1,000.00

bound book/with slipcase:  1,200.00

text pages from folio


Binding by Jan Sobota